Our volunteers

We support children with autism spectrum disorders and their parents.

Presentation of the volunteers

Association „Sf. Stelian – Ocrotitorul copiilor”

Diana Ionescu - Kinetotherapist

Why did I choose the job of physiotherapist? Because I love working with little ones, helping them develop harmoniously through movement therapy. It is enormously satisfying to see how your work helps them improve their skills and develop positively. It is a pride to witness their evolution! Why did I choose to volunteer? Being passionate about my work and helping others, volunteering in this field gives me the opportunity to use my skills to make a difference in the lives of those in need. It’s wonderful to see how your work can bring joy and improvement to the lives of others!

Romina Gafton - Autism therapist

Teacher of special psychopedagogy I discovered that being involved as a volunteer in therapy activities for children with ASD gives me a very specific sense of achievement, which cannot be described, but only experienced.

Dr. Raluca Albu

Pediatrician because I really like children and I wanted to help them. Voluntary, because I want to do good without asking for anything in return.

Croitoru Livia - Medical assistant

I volunteer primarily because I love children, because when they suffer the first thought is how I can help them, because I like to give to children, to people in general. And what’s more beautiful than giving time, your time, and being able to help in this way.

Murgeanu Alina - prof. Romanian language

“Every man is guilty of all the good he has not done” Voltaire

No matter how small your good is, do it! No volunteer job is insignificant. Most of the time those things that you consider insignificant could actually be the very thing that could save the world from a huge disaster.

Holban Mădălina - prof. Mathematics

When you engage in an action that makes the world around you a little bit better, you get a very specific sense of accomplishment. Volunteering gave me the opportunity to do what I’m passionate about, to be surrounded by students and help them develop.

Rodica Balosu - prof. Biology

For me, volunteering is a way to complete my existence.

Cezarina Trandafir - prof. Mathematics

To say what being a volunteer means to me, I will use the words of an artist and a writer, words that faithfully define the mission of a volunteer:

“The meaning of life is to find your GIFT. The purpose of life is to GIVE it.” (Pablo Picasso)
“After the verb to love, to help is the most beautiful verb in the world.” (Bertha von Suttner)

Loredana Nica - Creative Workshop Coordinator

For me, volunteering means change! The change began with me and continued with this unique experience full of challenges, excitement and an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.