About us

The "Sfântul Stelian, ocrotitorul copiilor" Association

Our story begins in 2006 when, with the help of some kind-hearted people, our dream came true and materialized in the “Sfântul Stelian” Association (Saint Stylianos – Protector of Children). It all started with a pediatric consulting room in the parish office of the “Pogorârea Sfântului Duh” Parish in Focşani, where the Paediatrician Dr. Gabriela Iacob welcomed with a smile all the children who needed free medical consultations. Over time, the needs of the community increased, so it was necessary a new facility that would respond to these needs. The “DA Center” was established in 2017 within the “Sfântul Stelian” Association (Saint Stylianos – Protector of Children), by refurbishing a Heat power plant, assigned for free by the Focșani City Hall and refurnished so that it meets the needs of the activities that were to be carried out. Following the redevelopment, a useful space of approx. 360 square meters resulted. The DA Center was arranged exclusively from donations, and the facility is still financed exclusively from donations.

DA Center is structured on two levels, respectively on two distinct activities. The medical part operates on the ground floor, and educational activities take place in the semi-basement. On the ground floor we have three consulting rooms: a pediatric consulting room, a sensory room – for therapies on the autistic spectrum and a speech therapy / psychology consulting room, with bathrooms, a waiting room and a small office, and in the semi-basement we have three large rooms where we carry out our formal and non-formal education activities, where devoted teachers offer free educational support for pupils attending the elementary school, for the main exam subjects in the 8th grade, such as Mathematics and Romanian Language, and for the main exam subjects in the 12th grade: Mathematics, Romanian Language, Sociology, Logic, History, Geography and Biology. We also have other volunteers and devoted trainers who help the little ones to develop their practical skills in craft, dance and self-defense classes.

At this moment, the DA Center responds to the immediate needs of about 150 children who come weekly to the educational part, to which are also added children who come to the medical consulting rooms.

In addition to the DA Center, our Association carries out support and assistance campaigns for children at risk and social exclusion because of their poor material situation. Thus, we periodically provide food, school supplies, computers and clothing to these children. Our campaigns are intended both for children in the maternal or family care centers of DGASPC Vrancea and for poor families from rural areas. To these campaigns are added thematic trips and thematic camps offered free of charge to children who come to our non-formal education classes, as well as to children from rural areas.

Also, within our Association there is a scholarship program that is granted to children who want to continue their high school and university studies, but who do not have the material possibilities to ensure this possibility. Specifically, at this moment, we support the accommodation costs for two girls, students at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iași.

The entire activity of our Association is sustained by 35 volunteers (doctors, teachers, educators, trainers, accountant) and partners with soul, individuals and legal entities who sustain through personal and financial effort our entire volunteer activity for the benefit of the community of Focșani town and Vrancea county. We believe that the activity carried out in the 12 years since its establishment represents an important contribution in helping children and their families at risk and social exclusion, because of the precarious material situations and which, through the efforts made, concretely succeeds in offering hope and real chances of success for these struggling families.

In addition to all these formal and non-formal educational activities and intra-help and support campaigns, our Association aims to create a pilot center for children with autism spectrum disorders and their parents. It will be built in Reghiu commune, Farcaș village, located about 30 km from Focșani town, in a marvelous natural setting. The “St. Stelian” Therapeutic Center for children, will be an integrated center that will sustain the child with autism spectrum disorders and his parent through forms of complementary therapy, with major benefits in the recovery of both.

In addition to the buildings specific to these therapies, this center will also have accommodation and meal facilities, as well as a micro-animal farm, playground and a hiking trail, all aimed at providing the therapeutic support we will offer.

For all these present and future projects of our Association we need the support of all people who want to get involved in our common effort to help those who cannot but want to overcome their disabilities and who dare to believe that there is a horizon of hope also for them.

Want to be a volunteer?

You have the opportunity to join our team at any time! We wait you in our team!