"St. Stelian" Therapeutic Center for Autism

We support children with autism spectrum disorders and their parents.

Presentation of the project

Help us by donating for the construction of the “St. Stelian” Therapeutic Centre for Autism

Together for children with autism

“St. Stelian” Therapeutic Centre for Autism, which will be built in Farcaș village, Reghiu commune, Vrancea county, aims to support both the child with autism spectrum disorders and his parent through forms of complementary therapy, with major benefits in the recovery of both of them.

Our goal is to achieve a multifunctional unit consisting of 5 distinct, but perfectly integrated and interconnected buildings, which will meet the needs of the beneficiaries, as follows:

  • Building no. 1 will be provided for reception, professional training and accommodation for volunteers and employed staff;
  • Buildings no. 2 and 3 will be therapy facilities for children;
  • Building no. 4 will be the facility for parents counselling and support. This building will also function as a “Respite care”, where the parent will be able to find time for himself and where he will be able to access various individual and group therapies, which will help him balance and better understand the child’s needs and the adequate methods that can help him in the complex and specific family relationship of such a family;
  • Building no. 5 represents the accommodation and food area facility (16 rooms) for the beneficiaries of the centre – children and their parents.

Non-formal therapies

“St. Stelian” Therapeutic Centre for Autism will also provide non-formal therapies in a small animal farm and in a specially designated area for playing and relax for children who benefit from our services. They will also enjoy a hiking trail that will have the purpose of offering the moments of peace and relaxation that the connection with nature can offer.

“St. Stelian” Therapeutic Centre for Autism will operate on a co-payment and subscription system that will give access to a multitude of formal and non-formal therapies, some paid, some offered free of charge, in order to satisfy the best interests of the child.

A very important aspect is the fact that our facility will have among its employees, both therapists specialized in psychological support and treatment services, as well as paediatricians, neuropsychiatrists and psychiatrists, so that those who will apply for our services to be able to benefit from the full range of medical, psychological, physical therapy and other specific alternative therapies, with a view to early detection, diagnosis and recovery of psycho-somatic and behavioural deficiencies, as well as helping the parents of these children through support therapies (information, documentation, counselling), diagnosis and treatment.

“St. Stelian” Therapeutic Centre for Autism is the project for the realization of which we need reliable partners to support us and with the help of which we can offer the chance for a better life to children with autism and their parents.

How can I help?

You can help us using one of the methods available below:

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Download the pre-filled form 230 with our association data by clicking the button below.
The form can be submitted in person at the ANAF headquarters to which you belong or it can be sent by courier or registered mail.

Donate online

You have the possibility to help us directly, online, through Paypal or a bank card.

Bank donation

You have the possibility to help us directly, online, through the following banking methods: